Saturday, January 7, 2012

Comparison, Competition and Fear - Three Misfits in Schooling.

It may sound strange and unreasonable but isn’t it true? Most of you may not accept it immediately. But pause a while and think, you will say “yes”. As an educationist, I feel that Comparison, Competition and Fear should be kept away from schooling and allow children grow in a free and friendly (but with mutually accepted rules and consequences) atmosphere where they are learning, exploring various things asking lot of questions, playing games happily without worrying for who is going to be the winner but just play their best and try to become much better at the game.

1st Misfit-Comparison
: Comparison is irrelevant in schooling as there is no point of comparing the fragrance of one flower with that of another. Both are unique and both are beautiful and both have their own importance. One flower may not smell good but it may have tremendous ability to cure chronic diseases. Similarly children are talented in very many ways one may be good at singing, one may be in dance and yet another in logical ability. Swami Vivekananda said ‘Education is unfolding what is enfolded in the genes’. Let us recognize the talents in each child and nurture those talents and guide them in that direction.

2nd Misfit-Competition
: Competition is to perform better than somebody or everybody. Trying to beat the other, which means you are not yourself. Education should help the children to enjoy what they are doing. If you love football play it with your heart and enjoy the game. Winning and loosing should not be the reasons for your playing. Enjoy whatever you do and the results will be astonishing. This is said beautifully in a sloka from the ‘Bhagavadgita’ to quote:
‘Karmanye Vadhikaraste, Ma phaleshou kada chana, Ma Karma Phala Hetur Bhurmatey Sangostva Akarmani’
Most of the popular figures in various fields have not competed with anybody else but with their own self. Whatever they do its their passion and they constantly improvise their performance.

3rd Misfit-Fear: Fear should have no place in education for I feel one should be afraid only when one does something wrong. Fear of teacher, punishment only blocks the free thinking. Children are scared to ask questions. They follow the rules and norms mechanically without the knowledge of the relevance of the same. But unfortunately to get things settle quickly 'fear' as a method is resorted to but the long term consequences will be devastating. Children should have respect for the elders and teachers but they should never be scared of them. Let us remember ‘the more we sweat in peace the less we bleed in war’ as said by Vijaya Laxmi Pandit in the UNO.

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