Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Communication of feelings

We have different feelings towards people we meet, work with or live with. We love a few, like a few and hate a few of them. But have we ever thought that these feelings are communicated. In fact, they are communicated at a much faster pace than the spoken words. It is also true with respect, loyalty, sincerity if you closely and seriously observe for these are all the feelings one has towards others. It can easily be observed as to whether one is confident, bold or scared with the way one talks, behaves and/or with the habits one has. It can also be observed whether the feeling is genuine or fake if one is aware and watch closely. There is a small story that I read in a book recently which to a great extent supports my belief.

There lived a saint who used to go for meditation in the mountains regularly. As he meditated, many birds would gather around him playing, chirping, singing and flying. A boy used to observe the scene everyday and approached the saint one day and said, “Swamiji, there are so many beautiful birds around you when you are meditating. In fact some of them are sitting on your shoulder and many are playing just at an arm’s length from you. Why don’t you get me a bird to play?!” The saint agreed and told the boy that he would do it the next day. As the saint sat for meditation the next day, hours passed but there was no trace of a single bird in the vicinity.

Isn’t it amazing?!

But it’s true and very true in the schools particularly. If we teach, love or care for the children overtly or superficially without deep feeling, children understand the same and the results will be mediocre.

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